"Prioritized Public Safety for people living throughout the Rivanna District
Through continued support of Albemarle County Fire Rescue, Stony Point Volunteer Fire Company, and our County Police Department
Provided Continued Support to Our Education System
By prioritizing schools that serve the education needs of all of our children and building three new schools in five years
Maintained a Vibrant County Parks System
To ensure all Rivanna residents have access to recreational spaces for active, passive, and mental health enjoyment
Implemented Climate Resilience Throughout Rivanna
To buffer our community against large storms, heavy rains, and heat-related events which are predicted to increase with climate change
Supported Agriculture Cultivation in the District
While protecting Albemarle County’s rural beauty and biodiversity by prioritizing growth in developmental areas
Addressed Affordable Housing Concerns
To allow our fire and rescue, police, teachers, and health care professionals the opportunity to live in Albemarle through workforce housing
Implemented Comprehensive Broadband
To all parts of the Rivanna district to address health and safety, educational promotion, and the growth of local business needs
Required Good Governance
By ensuring fiscal responsibility while meeting the needs of our community"